Well, last Tuesday Celly lost her girly bits. When Babs went through this, he was treated like absolute royalty for the first days. Celly - not so much. I think it's always like this with the second child (or pug) - you know what's going to happen, so you don't stress about it as much.
She got dropped off at the vet's around 8 AM, and I picked her up at 5 PM. I remember when Babs went through this, he was great. When they led him out of the back room, he was grinning and walking about as happy as can be. Celly, on the other hand, well, not so much. The nurse had to carry her to me, and I swear the poor pug looked just like a toddler who's had a horrible day. Her face was all crusty, her nose was full of dried up snot, and her eyes were wet with tears. She was so exhausted and terrified she didn't even cry (and believe me, Celly cries really loudly when she's scared). She just looked at me as if to say, "You are such a cruel mother. I will never forgive you for this. E-V-E-R." Poor little baby. Making me feel guilty for making sure she doesn't have to go through the whole "getting knocked up at a young age, unmarried, working her way through college with a baby on the hip" thing. Well, the pug equivalent anyway.
But anyway, just blogging to let you all know I'm doing much better. Maybe soon I'll do a post about the reasons for the breakup. I don't even know if you care, but I think I might feel better about putting it out on paper (or e-paper, whatever). So bear with me.
....or Get Off the Pot
7 years ago
Pobre perrita, espero que se mejore de su dolor. Me alegra saber que te sientes un poco mas tranquila de tu experiencia pasada. Te animo a que escribas y expreses en diferente manera tu dolor,enojo, frustacion etc. Especialmente expresale esos sentiminetos a tu exBF. No por lograr algo de el sino lo mas importante por curarte tu interior. De tal manera que la herida te sane pronto y puedas estar libre de cualquier trauma que esta relacion te dejo. Solo asi podras estar lista para iniciar otra relacion en el futuro.
Estudios muestran que es necesario romper la negacion y dejar de minimizar el dolor para sanar del trauma. Los psicologos recomiendan que se confronte a la persona que causo dolor y que se le exprese ese dolor intenso por el cual esta pasando. La expresion cura tu mente. Por lo tanto puedes perdonar y continuar tu vida libre de malos recuerdos. Tal vez tu pienses que no hay nada que decir que todo fue de mutuo acuerdo, sin embargo, hubo y hay dolor, tristeza, heridas en el corazon. Te animo a que le expreses a tu ex BF todos los tristes sentimientos que esta experiencia causo, todos los errores que el hizo que te afectaron a ti en todo y pide disculpas de errores que tu hiciste. Toma tiempo para pensar escribir y expresar tu dolor cara a cara. Aclarandole primero que no es tu intension cambiarle a el, sino que es para curarte tu mente y corazon. Expresale una sola vez en forma clara, especifica y esa terapia te va a curar mas profundamente por toda tu vida.
Well.. it IS a bit more of a major surgery for the girls than the boys, so I don't blame poor Celly. But she will be okay, she has you and you love her bunches!!
I'm glad you are doing better babe! :)
Poor baby girl! I do hope she's feeling better.
As far as the bf, sometimes it helps.
Well, to be fair, the incisions probably the size of her belly. It was on Wrinks anyway.
Oh, the poor baby!
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